B&B Diner
Loss Event: Storm Damage
Location: Martin, Michigan
Services: Emergency Tarp Off; Water Mitigation; Structural Repairs
The Situation:
High winds from a severe storm damaged the roof of the diner and caused water to leak through the roof and the ceiling of the 2nd story, and down to the main floor of the restaurant. The ceiling and floor of the 2nd story were extremely damaged, and the ceiling and walls of the main floor suffered extensive water damage as well.
We have an established relationship with their insurance agent, who recommended they use us for the repairs.
Our Solution:
We responded to the loss after business hours on a Sunday evening to perform the emergency tarp off of the roof to limit any further damage to the property. We then returned to the site the next day to perform the mitigation. Once mitigation was completed, we returned to the site to review the damage with the customer and the adjuster, and agreed on a cost to do the repairs. The next day we were able to get into the diner to perform all of the interior repairs. 100% of the interior repairs, as well as the painting and cleaning, were completed in one day. The roof repairs were done shortly afterwards.
We used our superior scheduling system and coordination process to get the project completed in the fastest time possible. We coordinated the work of 3 trades on one job to get it done in the minimum amount of time possible.
We were able to limit their time closed to business to just 4 days. Due to our hard work and effort, the diner was able to reopen for business just 5 days after the damage to the property.
The Result:
The project was completed in about 8 days, which is about 12 days shorter than we typically allot ourselves for this type of project. The actual in-progress time of the job was 1 day for interior repairs and 2 days for the roof repairs. The mitigation took 3 days, which is on par for the standard set by the industry. Total in-progress work on this job was about 6 days.
The customer stated that they would recommend us to anyone and they are extremely thankful that we were able to limit their loss of business due to this disaster.